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Sort.h File Reference

File for the sorting templates, all of which use the quick sort algorithm. More...


namespace  GeoSort


template<class ARRAY_TYPE, class TYPE>
void GeoSort::ReverseOrder (ARRAY_TYPE &Array)
 Reverses the order of an array.
template<class ARRAY_TYPE, class TYPE, typename COMPTYPE>
void GeoSort::FQuickSort (ARRAY_TYPE &Array, COMPTYPE(TYPE::*pFunctionCall)(void) const)
 Wrapper for the function call sort.
template<class ARRAY_TYPE, class TYPE, typename COMPTYPE>
void GeoSort::FQuickSort (ARRAY_TYPE &Array, COMPTYPE(TYPE::*pFunctionCall)(void) const , int lo0, int hi0)
 Sorts an array by calling a function for each object in the array e.g. GetLength().
template<class ARRAY_TYPE, class TYPE>
void GeoSort::FQuickSort (ARRAY_TYPE &Array, bool(*pSwitchIfTrue)(TYPE &, TYPE &))
 Wrapper for the function based sort.
template<class ARRAY_TYPE, class TYPE>
void GeoSort::FQuickSort (ARRAY_TYPE &Array, bool(*pSwitchIfTrue)(TYPE &, TYPE &), int lo0, int hi0)
 Sorts an array by calling a function which takes 2 objects in the array and returns true if the first should be ordered after the second.
template<class ARRAY_TYPE, class TYPE>
void GeoSort::SQuickSort (ARRAY_TYPE &Array)
 Wrapper for a simple quicksort.
template<class ARRAY_TYPE, class TYPE>
void GeoSort::SQuickSort (ARRAY_TYPE &Array, int lo0, int hi0)
 Straight forward quicksort.
template<class ARRAY_TYPE, class TYPE, class PARRAY_TYPE, class PTYPE>
void GeoSort::PQuickSort (ARRAY_TYPE &Array, PARRAY_TYPE &ParallelArray)
 Wrapper for a Parallel quicksort.
template<class ARRAY_TYPE, class TYPE, class PARRAY_TYPE, class PTYPE>
void GeoSort::PQuickSort (ARRAY_TYPE &Array, PARRAY_TYPE &ParArray, int lo0, int hi0)
 Parallel quicksort which sorts the first array by its elements whilst also sorting the second in the same way.

Detailed Description

File for the sorting templates, all of which use the quick sort algorithm.


File for a number of sorting algothithms, all of which sort items using the quick sort algorithm. Main algorithms as follows: 1. Simple sort which sorts items in ascending order. 2. Parallel sort which sorts items according to one array whilst sorting another in Parallel. 3. A sort which uses a function call of the class being sorted e.g. GetLength(). 4. A sort which uses a function to determine which item out of 2 should come first in the array.

Any type of array can be sorted using the functions which ask to specify the limits of the sort (normally between the 0 and max element) but for convienience, there are wrapper functions for all which sort between the 0 element and that given by the size() function of the array less 1.


Generated on Mon Apr 21 11:43:51 2008 for GeoLib by  doxygen 1.4.4