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Geometric representations within the
library are vectors, points, lines, arcs, circles, segments, triangles,
rectangles, polygons, curved polygons, polygons with holes and curved
polygons with holes.
Fully object-oriented design. Classes to
represent collections of different geometric entities.
Abstract line based polygon class packed
with functions. Add your own definition of a line to the code and you
have a new type of polygon.
Calculation of minimum distance between
geometric entities with closest points.
Intersections between all different
geometric entities.
Bounding rectangle calculation for all.
Projections onto a line or a vector for
Basic transformations for all; movement,
rotation, reflection in point, reflection in a line and grow.
All polygon types support intersection,
union and difference with all other polygon types.
All polygon types
support area, perimeter and centroid calculation.
Straight line polygon adds,
automatic reordering of points to avoid crossing lines, collision
avoidance, smoothing, morphing, convex hull, convex sub area
creation and bounding circle.
Triangle class adds circumcentre, Fermat
point (Torricelli point) and InCentre.
The geodetic (lat long) position classes
supports transformation to Cartesian co-ordinates through 24
different map projections as well as great circle distance,
bearing and slant range.
All co-ordinates stored as double
precision floating points for simplicity. Integer degenerate cases
handled for polygon operations.
Easy to understand comments for every
function and class.
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